You’ll want to check this holiday checklist twice! Once to make sure you know which actions are naughty or nice, and then again to ensure you don’t miss any crucial steps in taking care of your well-being needs this holiday season.
This holiday checklist is 100% for you if you have any health challenges, autoimmune issues, or invisible illness, including an inclination towards anxiety or stress. More than 60% of individuals have one or more chronic diseases, and while that can feel lonely, you’re anything but alone.
I invite you to explore these gentle (and sometimes not-so-gentle) reminders. Oftentimes, taking care of the basics is the best action we can take. So, let’s begin there. BUT… be sure to go to the second section – which is all about holiday action items to support your specific health needs.
First – Take Care of the Basics
These are the foundational well-being actions that are essentially universal. They are especially critical if you want to feel and function your best alongside health challenges. Especially during the holidays!
❄️Sleep! Are you getting the amount and quality of sleep you need?
❄️Nutrition. Are you eating primarily nutrient-dense foods? This doesn’t mean not to have special treats; it’s a reminder to enjoy a baseline of foods that support and fuel your body.
❄️Water. Are you staying hydrated?
❄️Movement. Significant changes in your physical routine might negatively impact how you feel. Changes in the amount or type of movement can impact your level of pain, brain fog, and the like. From too much sitting to “skipping” yoga, what potential change might catch you unexpectedly? Ask yourself, “What activities need to stay the same for my physical well-being?”
❄️Sugar & Alcohol. Limit sugar and alcohol intake, as well as any food that triggers your symptoms.
❄️You time! Commit to taking a little time for yourself each day. 5-10 minutes can make a difference.
Holiday Checklist MUST-DO Actions Alongside Health Challenges
These actions are SUPER-CRITICAL to your feeling your best this holiday season. Skip any one of these checklist items, and you risk missing out on being present for one or more memorable holiday moments.
❄️Avoid your known triggers! Do you know the top triggers which are statistically most likely to wreak havoc on your holiday spirit? The ones that, more often or not, result in pain, fatigue, or other symptoms?
Are they a specific food or too much of a favorite food (sorry to say – too much chocolate can damper even the best day), lack of sleep, exposure to smoke or perfumes, sitting too much, lifting heavy packages, cooking all day, or too much time with your least favorite aunt. Which triggers are statistically likely to cause you to suffer through more symptoms or even a flare-up?
List your top three triggers most likely to ruin your holiday and commit to avoiding them. That power lies with you. You have the power to say no and to use your voice to ask for help. Sometimes, it’s okay to say, “I Can’t” do that without causing too much suffering to my personal well-being.
❄️Ask for help. If you’re participating in an activity that might result in symptoms, from wrapping presents to food prep to cleaning, ask for help.
❄️Say “No Thank You” to at least one item or activity that does not serve you. We all have a certain amount of energy to spend. Pay attention to your energy levels and adjust your activities to support your well-being. Otherwise, participating in too many activities will result in unnecessary suffering.
❄️Build in extra time to rest before or after key events and activities. If not, what are the potential consequences to your health? Will you feel a little off for a few hours, or will you be sick in bed for a day or two, or somewhere in between?
Finally, Take Actions that Warm Your Heart
Connection is essential to optimal well-being. A lack of connection is one of the leading causes of addiction. These checklist items will guide you in connecting more deeply with yourself and those you care about.
❄️Be present. Are you making an effort to be present and to enjoy what is going on around you? This one is all about letting go of distractions, letting go of perfection, and focusing on CONNECTION. Connection warms your heart and is great for your well-being and health.
❄️Express gratitude. Each day, take note of one thing and express your appreciation for that person, object, or action.
❄️Relax. Find time to sit in a cozy chair with a nice cup of hot cocoa and allow yourself to simply be.
❄️Give yourself (and others) compassion. Everything will not go to plan. You might experience a flare-up, say something wrong, or feel overwhelmed. Now is the time to treat yourself to self-compassion, a little gentle kindness towards yourself.
By taking action on this holiday checklist, you are saying YES to yourself and focusing on your well-being. You are also saying YES to those in your life that you care about. When you feel better, are more rested, and have more energy, you will be more present. And when you are more present, you set the foundation for optimal JOY!
If you found this helpful, click here to read Five Creative Strategies for Supporting Your Well-Being this Holiday Season. Happy holidays!
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