Courage To BE YOU!

By Simone G. Written with & performed by Christina Wells of America’s Got Talent. Now available on Apple Radio, iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Music, Pandora & more


I remember the day. There I was, in a breakout room with peers at Kami Guildner’s Extraordinary Women Ignite Conference. In sharing how we came to do what we do, I shared how in caregiving for my father, I was gifted with the life lesson that all that matters in the end is the impact we have and the love we share.

Their reaction was “This needs to be a song! You need to have someone write that!” And I thought… that would be amazing. Little did I know that Christina Wells of America’s Got Talent would be performing AND sharing a motivational talk at the conference.

Full of inspiration, I reached out to Christina, sharing that it would be amazing for someone to take this message, this inspiration, and make a beautiful, soul-inspired work of art from it. Was she interested? Her answer was YES. So with our messages aligned, a wonderful collaboration was formed. Christina is the genius in bringing my message to life. You can learn more about our collaboration and read her quote below.

My Hope In Sharing This Message

My hope in sharing the message of this song is that more and more individuals find the courage to go inward – to heal – so they can more fully share their gifts and their unconditional love. This courage comes from a place of discovery, having the courage to peel away layers and let go of worries about what others think and what society demands. To let go of facades, to work through your struggles, so you can live and love authentically.

By being you, you share your most authentic gifts, your best self, in all interactions, your work, and everything. And this makes the world better for all. This is the lesson that gave me the courage to accept my limitations and no longer try to hide a lifetime of injuries and illnesses. To know that I am enough, imperfections and all. This lesson has empowered me to follow my heart and fully serve others on their paths.

Lyrics Video

Watch the official lyrics video for Courage to Be You right here! One of the great motivational songs to help you overcome fear, stigma, and self-consciousness so you can live to your full potential and share your gifts fully.

Workshops, Journal, Poetry & Much More

Writing Circle!

Doing the inner work so you can share your gifts takes courage. Bring your journal, writing paper, and a pen, pencil, or even colored pencils or markers and join us every other Thursday for an intimate conversation about having the courage to be all that you can be and living life well alongside any invisible health challenge. Sign up for a BalanceUP Circle today!

Dream to Be All That You Dare

A BIG THANKS to Karen Light of How Doodle, for leading us along a journey of Courage, Impact & Love in my “Dream to Be All That You Dare” workshop around Courage to Be You. We laughed, we played, we doodled. WATCH HERE

Dream to Be All That You Dare – Free eBook!

Journal, ponder, and grow! Download this eBook with 25 journal questions based on the meaning behind the lyrics of “Courage to Be You.” COMING SOON share your email to be notified as soon as it’s available.

Dream to Be All That You Dare Merchandise

Inspired by the song “Courage to Be You” – you’ll love these inspiring stickers, notepads, stationery, and T-shirts. COMING SOON Sign up for a personal notification when this merch is hot off the press!

Poetry Collection

Courage to Be Youby Simone G

All That Matters Is Loveby Simone G

Are you inspired by the song? Submit your poetry to be included above and shared on social!

Courage To Be You Mentoring

Life alongside any health challenge can be challenging. I get it! Contact me about my “Courage to Be You” mentoring packages, customized to your needs.

You can count on confidential, compassionate & thought-provoking guidance around your journey to live well alongside health challenges, including managing your work or business. Contact me to build the perfect package for you by scheduling a Coffee Chat or DM me on any social platform. Limited to 5 spots.

courage to be you alternate cover with performer Christina Wells

A Collaboration between Simone G & Christina Wells…

When Simone shared her vision with me, I knew I wanted to bring this heartfelt song to life. I’ve struggled to feel accepted by others for as long as I can remember. It wasn’t until I realized that the only person who needed to believe in me was Me. The song “Courage to Be You” is about this journey: loving yourself helps you shine that love on everyone around you. I hope when people listen to this song; they are empowered to realize they can do anything!

Christina Wells, Season 2018 America’s Got Talent

Christina Wells’ Official Website

A Closer Look at Courage To Be You

COMING SOON: Check back for this video series. I will be adding one new video per week.

Q&A with Simone G

In response to the many questions others have asked me about my life, my father, and the inspiration and meaning behind the song, I compiled some of the most common questions, my answers, and my hopes for the future. I hope you enjoy these fun tidbits and find a few of these life lessons learned on my journey beneficial on your own.


Poetry, Playlists, Books & More!

Here are a few fun things I think you’ll LOVE! If you’re interested in collaborating, please see the links below.

Let’s Connect!

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